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Deadline of Application for Special Examination Arrangements (Term 1, 2021-2022)


1 November, 2021, Monday, 5:00pm


Students with disabilities/ special educational needs, who need to apply/ revise special examination arrangements, please submit relevant supporting documents to our office (by email:, or in-person: 3/F Pommerenke Student Centre).


If you have applied the special examination arrangements before, you do not need to apply again.


For enquiry, please contact the Student Disability Support Services on 3943-5441 or email to



Date: October 22, 2021 (Friday)

Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm 

Venue: Wu Ho Man Yuen Building (WMY) Room 407


Event Highlights


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9:00am – 6:00pm

[Awards Upgrade!] Join Barrier-Free Campus Design Competition to win valuable Apple Store Gift Card & internship opportunity


No people are with obstacles but environments. Student Disability Support Services of the Office of Student Affairs invites you to feel for SEN students’ position and design a tool to support their university life!


Only students who are proficient in technology can join the competition? Of course NOT! Designing a “University Popular Slang Dictionary” for students with autism or proposing a brand new and relaxing style for revision corners in libraries can also be the ideas. Let’s make use of your observation and creativity to grasp a chance of winning Apple Gift Card with total values over HK$20,000 as well as internship opportunities!



Apple Store Gift Card HK$9,000 and a trophy #

1st runner-up:

Apple Store Gift Card HK$6,000 and a trophy #

2nd runner-up:

Apple Store Gift Card HK$4,000 and a trophy #

Most Considerate Design for Students with SEN:

Apple Store Gift Card HK$2,500

Most Popular Design (to be voted by audience of the Presentation Day):

Apple Store Gift Card HK$2,500


 #Apart from the above prizes, winning teams can have internship opportunities related to SEN. The Office of Student Affairs can nominate interested students to relevant organizations. 


Interested students can attend Briefing Session to know more about the competition schedule and judging criteria.

Briefing Session:


Date: 19 November 2021 (Friday)
Time: 2:00pm – 3:15pm
Venue: Wu Ho Man Yuen Building Room 403
Application: Click here


Competition Schedule and Details: Click here

Apply Now: Click here