Date & Time 日期和時間:
First Session 第一場 :11/10/2022 (Tue 星期二), 18:30 - 20:30 (FULL, 已滿額)
Second Session 第二場: 18/10/2022 (Tue 星期二), 18:30 - 20:30
Venue 地點: ARC 212 (李兆基建築學大樓 212室)
Language 語言:
11/10/2022: Cantonese 廣東話
18/10/2022: Cantonese supplemented with English 廣東話輔以英語
Quota 名額:14 / Session (每場14人)
Deposit 按金: $200 (To be refunded upon completion of the workshop 出席後全數退還)
Target 對象: Full-time CUHK undergraduates 全日制中大本科生
Content 活動內容:
1. Acquire basic sand painting skills 掌握基本的沙畫技巧
2. Make your own sand painting 製作屬於自己的沙畫
3. Get inspired from the instructor's sharing of her art journey despite disabilities 從導師的藝術創作分享得到啟發
Click [HERE] to enroll
Application Deadline 截止報名日期: 26/9/2022 (Mon 星期一), 23:59
At CUHK, we believe everyone has his/her own unique values, strengths, learning needs, and growth needs. The SEN Service (SENS) of the Office of Student Affairs strives to support students with different learning needs while driving the CUHK community to recognize, embrace, and appreciate the diversity of learners through different initiatives.
In this “Sharpen your SENSe!” Learner Diversity Campaign, you will be able to sharpen your understanding of different learner needs through our fun games and exhibition to be held from 21 to 22 September 2022. Details are as below:
Date: 21-22 September 2022 (Wed – Thu)
Time: 11:00 – 15:00
Venue: Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) G/F
Activities Highlights:
See you on 21 & 22/9!
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All rights reserved.