Student Sharing Series - Kusudama Origami workshop


This year, we are going to organize a programme called “Student Sharing Series”, which is a series of sharing session or workshop with students as instructors.  It aims to provide a platform for students to share their gifts and skills with one another.  Everyone has special needs and talents.  Through sharing and learning together in an informal and relaxing occasion, students may establish friendships and gain self-confidence.  


We welcome you all to share with us your special gifts, expertise, skills or interests.  Please feel free to approach Jasvinda (at 3943 4766 / for the discussion on the possibilities of organizing workshop or sharing session.  



The first workshop of this series will be held on June 24 (Friday).  


Kusudama workshop, 24 June 2016 ,2:30pm-4:40pm, Room 206 John Fulton Centre


Interested parties will need to enroll by sending the following information to on or before June 23 (Thursday)



Student ID:

Contact Tel:


The aim of this competition is to convey the message of Equal Opportunities and Caring Campus so as to deepen the understanding of CUHK staff and students on individuals with special educational needs; and to foster the spirit of mutual support and the culture of integration on campus.



All CUHK students and staff are welcome.


Deadline: 30 September, 2016


Enquiry: Miss Ng 3943 4766 /





For more details, please refer to the poster below or click here for the text version.






Show your Care & Support, Submit your Proposal Now!



Amidst the growing number of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) joining our CUHK family, the University hopes to support activities which would raise campus concern for SEN and build a more caring community in CUHK. We now invite student bodies to submit proposals on projects aiming at promoting understanding of and support to students with SEN. Sponsorship will be provided to the selected projects.


All CUHK undergraduate and postgraduate student organizations are welcome.


Open until 1 March, 2017


Enquiry: Miss Ng 3943 4766 /



For more details, please refer to the poster below or click here for the text version.

poster of sponsorship on promoting understanding of Special Educational Needs PhaseII




CUHk uShine Logo

To promote integration on campus and foster mutual support, the “uShine SEN Service Team” was established in 2014.  uShiners provide learning supports to students with special educational needs.  They also organize service projects which aim at promoting equal opportunities and building a more caring community in CUHK.


The recruitment of uShiners 2016-17 has begun.  For more details, please click here.


uShine poster 2016-17