The first meeting of uShiners will be held soon!


The main purpose of the meeting is to:

  • Learn more about the campus life of students with special needs;
  • Get to know more about the upcoming schedule and contents of the uShine Programme;
  • Form into small groups for planning and organizing activities and projects



If you have attended the interview, please check your email for details of the meeting.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Ng (3943 4766) or Ms. Cheng (3943 8160) or email to .





Registered courses of Term 2, 2015-16


To facilitate our process of arranging your special lecture/examination arrangements of the coming term, please submit a completed list of your registered courses of Term 2 2015-16 in the format shown below:


Name (Student ID)

Registered Courses (Term 2, 2015-16)

Course code & Title




It is highly appreciated if you could send the list to the Disability Services Manager at on or before 7th January 2016.  If you wish to make any changes or updates regarding your accommodations, please do not feel hesitant in reaching us.


 See What I See 

伴你「瞳」行 失明體驗夜


We cordially invite you to join the event jointly organized by the uShiners and the Hong Kong Blind Union. Details are as follow:

See What I See (伴你「瞳」行 失明體驗夜)

• Experience blindness through interactive activity
• Learn how to communicate with people with visual impairment
• Dinner with visual impaired people
• Talk with visual impaired people so as to understand more of their daily life
• Know “Sighted Guide Techniques” which you apply in daily life to help those people with visual impairment.


Target participants: All CUHK students who are interested
Date: 26 January 2016 (Tuesday) 
Time: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Dinner Time (Optional): 5:30pm-6:30pm
Venue: Pommerenke Student Centre
Fee: Free of charge
Co-organizer: Hong Kong Blind Union &
                     The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
                     Office of Student Affairs,
                     Student Counselling and Development Service
On-line application:
Deadline of Application: 25 January 2016 (Monday)
Details of event:


We look forward to your participation. Come and join us~~

For enquiry, please send email to


26 Jan 6:30pm "See what I see" poster


Movie Appreciation Night


Do you know what SEN (Special Educational Needs) is?

Do you want to make friends with SEN students?

Do you want to enjoy a heart-touching movie night?


A movie appreciation night organized by the uShine SEN Service Team will be held on Feb18. We will watch the movie “The Intouchables” together. This is a French movie describing a story between a millionaire with disability and a young caretaker. The movie will be followed by a sharing session. Let’s take this opportunity to meet friends and enjoy an inspiring movie with fun!


- Date: 18 Feb 2016 (Thursday)

- Time: 18:30 - 21:00

- Venue: Room 103, John Fulton Centre



Please click here for registration.


Enquiry: Angel (6851 3483)