inclusivesport page


Inclusion sport is about identifying and removing barriers, making it accessible for people with and without disability and allowing them to participate to the best of their ability.  You’re invited to experience inclusive floor curling and boccia with us, through which you will also have a chance to learn and understand more about the daily challenges and needs of athletes with disabilities. Sign up here for our workshop now!


Details are as below: 

Date/Time: 23 February 2023 (Thu) / 12:30 – 13:30  
Venue: Room 303, Pommerenke Student Centre (PSC) 
Target: CUHK students & staff 
Fee: Free of charge 
Quota: 20 
Trainer: Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth 
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese 

Registration: (Deadline: 9 February 2023) 
Enquiry:  (3943 5441 / 3943 0338) 




Date: January 10, 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: 10:00am – 11:00am

Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA)


Event Highlights

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9:00am – 6:00pm


Date: January 20, 2023 (Friday)

Time: 11:00am-1:00pm

Venue: Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) (LT6)

Event Highlight:


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Special Examination Arrangements for Centralized Course Examinations


As announced by the Registration and Examinations Section, students with special educational needs (SEN) who need special examination arrangements for centralized course examinations (i.e. final exams) in Term 2, 2022-23, are required to register with the SEN Service of OSA before or on 1 March 2023. Please visit here for registration procedure, guidelines and requirements.


For enquiries, please contact the SEN Service at or 3943 5441.