Visceral disability refers to a disability arising from diseases or respective treatment which may cause chronic health conditions including organ dysfunction, pain, fatigue, and limitations in daily functioning/activities.


General Difficulties Encountered by Students with Visceral Disability/ Chronic Illness


- Decreased efficiency in studying due to chronic pain and/or fatigue
- Limitations in participation in activities that may be physically demanding or that may easily cause fatigue
- Difficulties in mobility (e.g. writing, walking, manipulating equipment, etc.) due to impairment in strength, endurance, and/or coordination abilities
- Absences from classes due to medical appointments and/or changes in health conditions


Useful Tips for Supporting Students with Physical Visceral Disability/ Chronic Illness


• Inclusive Teaching:

1. Provide lecture materials prior to class to facilitate students’ preparation for class
2. Permit audio/video recordings of lectures to facilitate students’ revision/ learning after class
3. Provide allowance for class attendance if needed
4. Consider supplementary videos or materials as alternative options to field trips, if applicable
5. Provide reading lists and/or information about individual and group assignments as early as possible, if any of these involve locating and using resources in libraries or off campus
6. Discuss special learning and/or exam arrangements privately with students concerned
7. Acknowledge and show respect for diversity in learning needs


• Assignment & Assessment:

1. Consider alternative assessment modes, especially for those with functional or mobility difficulties
2. Consider extensions in assignment deadlines
3. Consider extra time and supervised breaks in quizzes/tests/exams if necessary
4. Permit the use of a computer/laptop in quizzes/tests/exams
5. Arrange a separate and easily accessible venue for quizzes/tests/exams to minimize distractions and stress




Inclusive Teaching for Students with Chronic Health Conditions (Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training, Australia)