Sponsorship Programme on Promoting Understanding of Special Educational Needs (2015-2016)


Show your Care & Support, Submit your Proposal Now!


Amidst the growing number of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) joining our CUHK family, the University hopes to support activities which would raise campus concern for SEN and build a more caring community in CUHK.  We now invite student bodies to submit proposals on projects aiming at promoting understanding of and support to students with SEN.  Sponsorship will be provided to the selected projects.


All CUHK undergraduate and postgraduate student organizations are eligible to apply.  Student groups that are not registered student organizations (e.g. informal student groups formed in classes, hostels and Colleges) can also apply.


The maximum amount of sponsorship is $8,000 for each successful application.  Application is open until 1 March, 2016.  The funded project should be completed by 1 April, 2016.



For details of the sponsorship scheme and application procedures, please visit the Training and Development Section of our website.  You are welcome to contact Ms. Jasvinda NG at 3943 4766 (email: sdss@cuhk.edu.hk) for enquiry.