An Evening Sharing Session by CUHK Alumni with special needs & CareER - October 8, 2015 (Thursday)


In the coming year, we are going to organize a series of events & activities to promote integration and mutual supports among students.



Coming Thursday evening (October 8, 2015), we invited CareER to come to our campus and give us a sharing session at YIA. 


In the session, CUHK graduates with special needs will share with us their story after graduation.  Guest speakers from CareER will talk about the job-hunting experience from the perspective of the employer as well as the stories of employees with special needs.


All staff & students are welcome.  Details of the event are as follows:

Date: October 8, 2015 (Thursday)

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Venue: 5/F Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) - Room 501

Light refreshments will be provided.  Free of charge.


Brief Background of CareER

CareER is a higher educated students/graduates community with disabilities founded and organized by students/graduates with disabilities.  It is established as a bridge between students/graduates with disabilities and employers with targets to bring all members to employment.


If you and/or your friends would like to join the evening event, please email to by Wednesday October 7, 2015.  For any enquiry of the event, please feel free to contact Miss Jasvinda NG at 3943 4766.