

Date & Time 日期和時間:
First Session 第一場 :11/10/2022 (Tue 星期二), 18:30 - 20:30 (FULL, 已滿額)
Second Session 第二場: 18/10/2022 (Tue 星期二), 18:30 - 20:30

Venue 地點: ARC 212 (李兆基建築學大樓 212室)

Language 語言:
11/10/2022: Cantonese 廣東話
18/10/2022: Cantonese supplemented with English 廣東話輔以英語

Quota 名額:14 / Session (每場14人)

Deposit 按金: $200 (To be refunded upon completion of the workshop 出席後全數退還)

Target 對象: Full-time CUHK undergraduates 全日制中大本科生

Content 活動內容:
1. Acquire basic sand painting skills 掌握基本的沙畫技巧
2. Make your own sand painting 製作屬於自己的沙畫
3. Get inspired from the instructor's sharing of her art journey despite disabilities 從導師的藝術創作分享得到啟發

  • student_workshop-03
  • student_workshop_sandpainting

按 [] 報名

Application Deadline 截止報名日期: 26/9/2022 (Mon 星期一), 23:59