Q1. Recently, you may encounter some CUHK students walking with a dog around the campus. Would you wonder why?

A1: The dogs are “Guide Dogs”. They are specially trained to assist students with visual impairment in attending classes and studying independently in the campus.



Q2. Can the Guide Dogs with their students be able to go anywhere they like in the campus?


A2: According to the Hong Kong Ordinances and the Food Hygiene Code by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, visually impaired students accompanied with Guide Dogs can enter any public places, including all canteens, school buses, classrooms, libraries etc.

Reference link:

Disability Discrimination Ordinance

Food Hygiene Code Prohibition of Animals on Food Premise



Q3. If I have a chance to meet with the adorable Guide Dog, what should I do?


A3: When you meet a Guide Dog in the campus, you should remember the “3 Donts” and “1 Do” rules:

Don’t disturb: Don’t make noises or gestures to catch the attention of the dog. Don’t pet or touch the dog without the permission of the user / visually impaired students. 

Don’t feed: Don’t feed or induce the dog by food. Otherwise, you may distract the dog from what he is doing. When a guide dog is wearing the saddle of Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association or Hong Kong Seeing Eye Dog Services, he is “on duty”.

Don’t reject: Welcome the dog to enter all the public places.

Do offer assistance: When you see a visually impaired student with his or her dog getting lost, do ask if the person needs your assistance. If you’d like to know more about the dog, please ask for the consent of the visually impaired student.



Q4. What should I do if I want to know more about the Guide Dog?


A4: Currently, Hong Kong has two organizations that provide more information about the Guide Dog. You may visit the Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association Limited (HKGDA) or the Hong Kong Seeing Eye Dog Services (HKSEDS) for more details.


A guide dog walking with student with visual impairment


A guide dog traveling with student by school bus